Hugh Macdonald-Buchanan tour guide

About Hugh

Hugh is a professional tour guide and arranger of custom designed short tours for a broad range of clients both in the United Kingdom and from overseas. He very much enjoys working with family groups, students, cultural tour and holiday companies as well as businesses looking for ideas for client entertaining and employee reward plans. He specialises in tours in, and trips out of, London, and in military history tours focussing on the British Army in the Napoleonic era and the First World War (Western Front). Hugh's World War 2 will commence in 2013 with the Fall of France and the Evacuation of Dunkirk
Having attended Harrow School in London, Hugh obtained his degree at University College London and worked for 23 years in the investment banking and funds management areas of the City of London finance district for Enskilda Securities Ltd., N.M.Rothschild & Sons Ltd., and Taylor Young Investment Management Ltd. Throughout this period, he enjoyed arranging as a passtime excursions with friends and then decided to enter the short tour business full time as a free lance practitioner. In 2006, he qualified as Blue Badge Guide of the Year (see Blue Badge) and is now thrilled to have been able to convert the cultural and historical interests of a lifetime into his work!

Hugh was born in London in 1961 and lived there for over 40 years before moving out of town to live in the surrounding countryside with his young family. He is married to Emma and they have two children: Hector aged 8 years and Matilda aged 6. The dog is called Blucher after a famous German Field Marshal, and the Chief Hen is named Eggs.


Bespoke Tours
London and UK Tours
Military London
Napoleonic War Tours
1st World War - Western Front
School and Student Tours
Corporate Tours
Institute of tourist guiding The Guild of Registered Tourist Guides Association of Professional Tourist Guides